Professor, Consultant, Software Engineer
Director of the Computer Science area at GSSI (Gran Sasso Science Institute)
Professor in Computer Science and Software Engineering at GSSI (Gran Sasso Science Institute)
Member of government council of the excellence research center on automotive – EX EMERGE
Director of the Research Unity of CINI (National Interuniversity Consortium for Computer Science - Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica) for GSSI
Member of the Director Council of CINI
Member of the professor board of PhD studies in ICT, GSSI (Gran Sasso Science Institute)
Member of the professor board of the National PhD program in Cybersecurity, Scuola IMT Alti Studi - Lucca, Italy
Member of the scientific committee of the University College of Merit "Ferrante d'Aragona”, L’Aquila
Advisory board member of the H2020 project COSMOS in the field of cyber-physical systems (CPS)
External expert of AI ethics in the H2020 project COALA, ICT-38
Associate Professor at University of L’Aquila
Associate Professor at Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Visiting Professor at the Charles University
Assistant professor at University of L’Aquila
Research Associate at University of Paris Diderot-Paris
Research Associate at Swinburne University of Technology
Research Associate at ISTI-CNR
Research Associate at INRIA
Senior Researcher at University of Luxembourg
Research Scholar at Kansas State University
I have an academic and educational background in Software Engineering and Computer Science covering both solution-oriented and knowledge-oriented research. I have been working in different countries and contexts and I have a consolidated experience on National (Italian, Swedish, Luxembourgish) and EU projects. I am very active in the research community and I collaborate with various companies around the world.
The three main research areas in which we are working are:
Autonomous and smart systems are more and more required to cooperate and collaborate each other and with human actors, and, in general, they need to operate in environemnts shared with humans. In this digital society, humans feel unprotected and unsafe, constrained by technology; values like safety, fairness, ethics and privacy are at risk. From some years, we investigate techniques and methodologies aiming at better balancing of forces: we will no longer need to accept the opaque behavior of the software technologies, rather, we will provide effective means to mold these technologies into shapes that better reflect our human values (see the Exosoul project).
We are pioneers in establishing the discipline of robotic software engineering for service robots. We investigated safety aspects and the readiness of using robotis in real life scenarios, software variability in service robotics, architectures for the coordination of heterogeneous robots, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) for service robotics, synthesis of controllers of a planners under uncertainty.
We also offered solutions for democratizing robots in everyday-life scenarios. We identified and formulated mission specification patterns and mission specification patterns for quantitative properties to enable the specification of mission in structured English and, then, an automatic translation in temporal logic. We also contributed a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for mission specification, called Promise.
We have consolidated experience in languages for providing architecture descriptions and in architecture frameworks (ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011).
We investigated the definition of an architecture framework for Volvo Cars and the definition of a viewpoint for cars as constituents of a System of Systems (SoS).
We also investigated the role of architectures when companies are in the transition towards the adoption of agile methodologies.
I have experience in European, Swedish, Italian, and Luxembourgish research projects, from basic research till industrial research. Get in contact if you want to collaborate in future projects.
Follow a selection of research projects.
ASTRA – Advanced Space Technologies and Research Alliance, Spoke GSSI of Vitality, Ecosistema Innovazione, Digitalizzazione e Sostenibilità per l’economia diffusa nel Centro Italia (MUR - Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca), Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza (PNRR).
The aim of the spoke is to investigate Advanced technologies for Space industry. The computer science part investigates the use of AI techniques in the on-board software of the Crystal Eye satellite (built within the spoke). Also, we investigate the update of software when the satellite is in operation while guaranteeing that the behavior will not violate safety requirements and will reach the expected quality.
SFI Smart Ocean - Technology for monitoring and management of a healthy and productive ocean.
SFI Smart Ocean is a centre for research-based innovation, working to develop underwater wireless communication along the coast of Norway, for the benefit of science and industry.
I am collaborating as external to this project and also co-supervising a PhD student associated to the project.
We are understading the challenges, technology drivers, and quality attributes of the domain (Best paper award at Profes 2022), as well as the use of Machine Learnign techniques to analyse marine data for prevention and monitoring.
Swedish - Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program.
WASP is by far the largest individual research program in Sweden. WASP has five partner universities: Chalmers University of Technology, Linköping University, Lund University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Umeå University. In addition, research groups at Örebro University and Uppsala University that are members of WASP AI are also included in WASP.
In WASP research is moslty conducted through PhD student projects.
I have been coordinating two projects succesfully accomplished and still supervising a project on the verifiation and validation of robotic systems.
EU project titled "Achieving Complex Collaborative Missions via Decentralized Control and Coordination of Interacting Robots (Co4Robots)", Call: H2020-ICT-2016-2017 (Information and Communication Technologies Call), Topic: ICT-25-2016- 2017.
We investigated various aspects of robotic software engineering, designed the architecture for the Co4Robots project and investigated approaches to enable the user-friendly specification of mission of multi-robots.
Two FFI Vinnova projects (Swedish projects) coordinated by Volvo Cars and titled " Next Generation Electrical Architecture" (2015-1018) and "Next Generation Electrical Architecture 2" (2016-2019).
We investigated the electrical and software architecture of the vehicles of the future. We also investigated the trasition towards the adoption of agile methodologies at scale, even beyond the boundaries of a single company.
PhD students that I supervised and that I am supervising
PhD from GSSI with thesis titled: Managing safety and run-time adaptability in mission-critical Mobile Multi-robot system
Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher at Technische Universiteit Delft
PhD from Chalmers with thesis titled: Engineering Trustworthy Self-Adapt. Autonomous
Current position: Postdoc at the University of California, Berkeley
PhD from University of Gothenburg with thesis titled: Effective Engineering of Multi-Robot Software
Current position: Software Architect at Volvo Cars - Autonomous Drive Function Designer
PhD candidate at GSSI working on Bias Detection and Mitigation in Artificial Intelligence
PhD candidate at GSSI working on Human Robot Interaction via Imitation Learning.
PhD candidate at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway working on engineering smart ocean systems.
The supervisor is Rogardt Heldal
PhD candidate at University of Brasilia, Brasil working on multi-robots coordination.
The supervisor is Genaina Rodrigues
These tools have been produced and released associated to research projects and publications
simPle RObot MIssion SpEcification
SA & model checking
Quantitative Specification Patterns
Build Your ADL
ADLs interoperability
During 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic I participated to a project to mass-produce low cost, easy to use, and open source mechanical ventilators. The project is called Mechanical Ventilator Milano (MVM) and among the leaders has Cristiano Galbiati from GSSI and Princeton University, and the Nobel Prize in Physics 2015, Arthur B. McDonald. Within the project, I was involved
in the software certification, especially on the architecture, design and unit and integration testing.
Vexos received the Health Canada authorization for manufacture and is producing the ventilator in USA and Canada. A similar process has been carried on by the European manufacturer (Elemaster) to get the CE marking from the European Certification Authority, and this marking has been obtained at the beginning of May 2021.
An overall description of the ventilator can be found here. Software aspects and the certification of software process is described here. Finally, we contributed guidelines for the development of critical systems under emergency.
My publications might be found in one of the following websites.
Complete list of publications:
Google scholar:
ACM author's profile:
We offer consultant services about the engineering of the software, the architecture of the system, and the development process, such as the trasition towards the adoption of agile methodologies. We mostly worked in the robotics and automotive domains.
Evaluation of the current status, identifying strengts, weaknesses, and risks.
Identification of challenges that most probably will be faced in the near future.
Advise on the future directions based on scientific evidence.
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